 Poem love diet romance shape upの記事一覧 




 the quiet day! 

It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively warm day.
I walked the neighborhood after lunch today.
The weight improved 5 kg in New Year holidays.
It is the weight that is the heaviest in the life.
I am heavy mentally.

I start soon, too!

It is the quiet day!

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade

 Everybody! A Happy New Year! 

It is fine today. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively warm day.
Everybody, A Happy New Year!
I greet calm New Year's Day in this district of Japan.
I watch the NHK Red and White Singing Contest that recorded it yesterday. While eating zoni.
Recording "must not laugh at TV variety". I watch it from noon.
It seems to be happy New Year holidays!

I went to Kamakura for the visiting a shrine in the year yesterday. Many people came to the Tsuruoka Hachiman shrine for worship. There were many people who took a walk through Kamakura elsewhere. Kamakura is the town with the attraction.
Kamakura had good greeting the New Year preparations.

This year thanking you in advance!

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade

 in this way 

It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively cold day.
Are not we troubled in various things every day?
We increase to the cares whenever we repeat age. Nothing matters bend over our both shoulders heavily in one's youth. The human may be a troubled family.
Actually, the most of the trouble are worthless when we think calmly. However, we are troubled seriously.
Money. Personal relationships. Politics. Work. In the future. Child care. Everyday side dishes. The hairstyle. The obesity figure. etc.
Our life is treasure houses of the trouble.
I ate too much "the taste of adult of the kit cut" today. I ate too much the sukiyaki of the supper. I ate too much the sea foods bowl of lunch.
Probably we will walk the remaining life in this way.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade

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プリンス オブ オレンジ カルチャー スクールです。悩んだり、怒ったり、一人でイライラしたり、あとで考えると、どうでもいいような事で焦っていたり、ふと気が付くと、胸にポッカリ穴が開いたような空しさに泣けてきたりしますよね。何で生きているんだろう?私は誰なんだろう?短い人生ですよね。両腕を少し広げたくらいの一生で、もうどの位生きたのでしょう。今まで私は何をやってきたんだろう!皆答えを探しながら忙しく生きてきました。答えを出すと、また新しい問題が生じます。限りが無いのです。律儀に考えすぎず、少し立ち止まってご自分の時間を限りなくスローにしてみてはいかがですか?