Become simpler
2012/05/16 18:55:55
It is fine this morning. Weak wind blows. It is a hot day.
Japanese office workers seem to have low acquisition rate of the paid vacation. When Brazilian Spanish France assumes it 100%, Japan seems to be 45%. A reason that the respondent feels that bosses of companies are not cooperative with it occupies 44%. However, people of other countries which are high in an acquisition rate of the paid vacation feel the matter.
Then why can people of other countries acquire leave with pay?
It is said to be personnel management.
Other countries which are high in an acquisition rate of the paid vacation are the principle of result. Discretion of the worker side is recognized there.
Workers of most sections of Japanese companies are managed by companies. Company center organization manages workers. There is the person saying that it resembles "the planned economy" that has been ever carried out in communism closely. Discretion of the worker side is not recognized there.
Which is good?
In fact, both business model goes ahead through the way of the collapse. The former accelerates recession under this recession, and the latter smashes companies. Both common points are the principle of profit supremacy.
We must put an end to the life in pursuit of money soon anymore. In the first place the leave with pay is a system provided for the overwork of workers.
We should become simpler.
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