2012/05/14 21:25:38
It is fine today. Strong wind blows. It is a relatively hot day.
The Japanese financial institutions seem to begin to lend the abundant fund to Southeastern Asian companies. This is because financial institutions of EU are weakened by sovereigns crisis.
The Japanese financial institutions increase funds by Quantitative easing of Bank of Japan. Japanese people begin to move deposits to Asian financial institutions having high deposit rates.
China and the Southeast Asian countries seem to reduce own country currency competitively. This is because it maintains the prosperity called the world's factory. And people and entrepreneurs of the world well-off circle continue the emigration to Southeast Asia. It promotes the rise in property price of Southeast Asian countries.
Bank of Japan may decide a reprint of the paper money by this historic strong yen, but Japanese Ministry of Finance may rebel. Ministry of Finance increases the debts of the country and is going to justify tax increases. They will say that it might become the reappearance of EU. Or is it Zimbabwe?
The economic theory of the survival of the fittest has already collapsed. The times to build a global rule come in all fields.
World leaders should act immediately.
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade