Just a stone's throw
2012/05/20 10:53:38
It is slightly cloudy weather this morning. The wind does not blow. It is relatively cool morning.
The quiet morning of Sunday.
It is the morning when slow time goes by.
Most human beings carry heavy baggage on their back.
The heavy baggage is the mission that the human being is born and had.
It is influenced most of the lives by the mission.
Even if we belong to the same society, each mission is different. They may disagree.
They are entrusted to decision by majority or political judgments in such a case.
A political judgment of Prime Minister Noda is going to be given about right or wrong of the re-operation of the Ooi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan.
Prime Minister Noda is eager for re-operation based on a reboot new criterion after the Fukushima nuclear plant accident. It is pushed the back by people concerned with atomic energy village.
The way connecting Oshima Peninsula and the mainland with the Ooi Nuclear Power Plant is a thin mountain path and an old bridge.
When Ooi Nuclear Power Plant causes an accident, local people are escaping using them. Traffic jams and various panics are expected.
When the sea is stormy, the rescue from the sea is difficult.
Bureaucrats of the atomic energy village did re-operation premise statement all the time by the local briefing session.
When nuclear power generation falls into the worst situation again, it becomes unexpected.
Prime Minister Noda is going to give glory to all policies with the agreement from the leader of each country in Camp David.
It is just a stone's throw with Camp David and Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station.
What will each country leader think about?
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade