From now on
2012/07/07 20:16:35
It is clouded today. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively hot and humid day.
It is Africa in the origin of the human.
The modern people of the world are classified in one kind called the Homo sapiens (new people).
New people are born in Africa in 100,000 years ago, and it is thought that new people have begun to open in the Eurasian Continent for approximately 60,000 years.
The history of creatures is the history of the territorial dispute. There is already territory to the quails which I breed for a few days. They are decided to undergo the superiority and inferiority by the demonstration of males. The kind of these quails cannot be stained each other. The kind of other quails does killing each other.
Human beings are the same, too.
Our ancestors spent all their time battle.
It is so now.
It continues from now on.
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade