2012/07/09 21:19:09
It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is the wind from the sea. It is a very comfortable day.
The human being world enters again on the earth in the times in confusion.
World financial crises. Civil wars. A series of revolutions. Grudge of past war. Territorial problems. etc.
If war happens, general people without the crime are sacrificed again. While people blink their eyes, lives are over. The war infringes the right of all creatures.
The person concerned who lost war was punished so far. However, the times to punish all people concerned who participated in war should come from now on.
A law called the In a quarrel both parties are to blame was in the Middle Ages in Japan. It may be said that In a quarrel both parties are to blame is a one kind or another ultimate method of settlement which society produced while considering "the having an even balance sense" between the dispute people concerned to urgently plan order recovery. It is an ultimate method to cut off a chain of the revenge.
Human beings cannot identify causes of quarrelling retroactively to the past after all either. And originally there are not causes. All outlines are direction of war people concerned.
We must not be fooled by their propaganda. It will not be long that we can be in high spirits.
The history proves it.
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