as news
2012/07/16 20:18:43
It is fine today. Strong wind sometimes blows. It is a hot day.
This world was fierce for creatures from the earliest times. It is not to have begun in now. Our life and death were lights before the wind from all beginnings.
Most of our generations grew up in countries of the coexistence and co-prosperity. In tepid water. We saw and heard miserable events of other places in news objectively. As events of other places unlike oneself.
And we experienced 3/11 great earthquake disaster of the last year. Missing people by tsunamis still surpass 3,200 people. And it caused the serious nuclear plant accident. We lost a part of the country by oneself as a radioactive contamination area.
There was a large-scale de-nuclear power generation meeting today in Tokyo Yoyogi Park. Such a meeting is planned from now on.
de- nuclear power generation meeting
Can we still watch them as news objectively?
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade