It is the point
2012/10/02 19:29:08
It was fine, but is gradually clouded today. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively cool day.
A human being is the creature which is mystery.
We can decide self-will only by a rumor and advice. Even if it was totally irrelevant.
We can agree to advice and imagination without grounds really.
And we scold another person based on it. Without confirming it with a partner.
Why may we do a so shameful act?
It is arrogance.
Oneself is arrogance to be right.
We must become more modest.
Anyone has negligence and the escape, the self-contradiction.
However, we cannot keep on hiding them. They come out sometime soon.
We must not tell oneself a lie either.
We must live as possible fair.
It is the point to live long.
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade