



 The history 

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is relatively cool morning.
Military parades are performed grandly in many countries. The encouragement of the armaments of the own country surely leads to the relief of nations. However, the majority of nations of each country object to the war using these armaments practically. The people evaluate the uniformity for the possession of the armaments for deterrence from old days.
The human history was the history of the war.
It begins with each other's Suspicion raises bogies. It begins with monopolies of each other's profit. It begins with understanding of each other's will. And people who are going to continue fighting from various reasons appear.
And propaganda begins. Advertising to lead people to the death.
Small tiffs caused the past world great wars. It breaks out in complicated constitution areas where many races are mixed frequently.
Tiffs of "people to suppress" and "suppressed people." And there are own country people concerned hanging from "people to suppress" in those areas. And there are people concerned with other country provoking "suppressed people" in those areas. And countries of each participate in the war to keep profit and the pride of the own country.
With weapons of those military parades.
Of course the allies of those countries participate in the war, too. Government of participation in a war countries enliven the war feeling of nations by propaganda.
And war terminates leaving many war victims and problems once. And the human history is added again by survivors.
Nations of participation in a war countries notice that oneself was deceived by the government whenever war is over.
Most people of the world understand it. However, there are a lot of people related to the enlarged world war industry. By a small factories in town unit.
Leaders of each country participating in military parades should look for methods to use the high technology significantly. There should be still unknown uses in techniques of the unit of those weapons.
Military parades may become "space development and the biotechnological parade" in the future.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade Prince d'orange 937



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