




It is fine today. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively hot day.
Typhoon 18 seems to run through Japan.
We should be careful about typhoon information.
Weeklies place comparison articles of the armaments flourishingly now in Japan.
Of course it is armaments comparison of Japanese China shaking by the issue of dominium.
However, the comparison of the two countries armaments is meaningless.
There are allies in the two countries each. And many countries aim at a wide range of Chinese countries. China continued being made a colony from old days by the Great Powers. It is still 63 since the Chinese Communist Party performs the founding of a country. This Han race-based nation continues reinforcing armaments from past experience. However, this country has 55 minority races. In other words 63 years passed this country with having contradiction in the country.
Apart from legitimacy of the Han race-based Chinese Communist Party, Japanese people must know the historic circumstances of the neighboring country.
It complies with Korea and Russia.
Japan is surrounded by the seas in the neighborhood. And the country is small and there are not the resources, too. The country which is going to make such a country the colony is former Mongol Empire.
By the way, he seemed to have a plan with Mainland China as the prairie when Kublai Khan of Mongol Empire conquered Soong in 1279. Of course massacre all Chinese living there. When Mongol Empire invaded Japan of the Kamakura era, most of the soldiers seemed to be a naturalized citizen from Korea and Chinese of the dependencies.
China realized the Hong Kong Macao return.
Senkaku Islands were ever territories of the Ryukyu kingdom. The Ryukyu kingdom was vassal state of Chinese Min, but became vassal state of the Japanese Satsuma feudal clan in 1609. In other words the territorial problems come from results of past war.
It is records of the death of people.
The people of the two countries must not insist on territorial problems.
We should do an action to give a good example to a next generation. Certain humor and faithfulness together.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade



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