very sad
2012/07/13 19:28:42
It is slightly cloudy weather today. It is gradually fine. Weak wind blows. It is a quite hot day.
A seasonal rain front becomes active, and damage continue in each place of Japan. A large number of dead people, a missing person appear in Kumamoto and Oita of Kyushu in particular. The Meteorological Agency calls for caution in the various parts of Japan. Each local people please be careful enough!
There is bullying in the world.
Countries and sex, age do not matter to it.
There are a lot of damaged people of the bullying in schools and workplaces.
A governor established laws and regulations in bullying in the net in New York.
There is an opinion not to isolate children by the bullying in the school for a long time in unsociable environment.
The unsociable environment is a place to force to inconvenience by standardized unique thought. In this case the child is a way of thinking like a child. And they are restricted including club activities every day in Japan more than ten hours by schools.
Children do not think oneself to be a child.
It becomes the small bird which is bred by parents and teachers when they entered the school.
Though it is the wild bird which wants to actually fly in sky.
Still children do the performance of the child hard. And they are going to solve the bullying in the world of the child.
I do not want to trouble parents and teachers.
They say so.
It is very sad!
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