



 power of two representatives! 

It is rainy this morning. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively chilly day.

The rainy season returns. In the sea near the shore of Mariana Islands, a tropical cyclone seemed to turn into typhoon 8. The typhoon seems to advance with the speed of 30km/1hour to the northwest. Let's be careful about typhoon information!

The world economy becomes impoverished now.

Disputes break out in response to it again in each world area.

The East China Sea. The Sea of Japan. The Korean Peninsula. Ukraine. China. Middle East Asia.

All disputes are transparent the expectations of the countries which want to secure economic zones.

Ukrainian people are descendants of the world-famous valiant Cossack corps, but they meet a crisis of the national division after civil wars.

Ukrainian people grope for the participation to EU or the Eurasia economy community (association of Eurasia). In Ukraine, the eastern part has a fertile country, and, in the western part, the industry from the former Soviet Union era is prosperous. In addition, a natural gas pipeline from Russia lengthens, and it continues to Germany. Ukrainians of a western young generation hope for the free traffic to the EU area and seem to want to maintain the relations with Russia. Western many Ukrainian elderly people continue having incredulity for the former Soviet Union. And western many people expect EU admission at this opportunity. Many Russian Ukrainians live in eastern Ukraine. They hope for separation, independence from Ukraine. And they hope for admission to Russia.

After the defeat 69 years ago, Japan reached a crisis of the division, but the debt of the past generation evaded it by a relationship. On the other hand, Japanese continue paying back a debt until several years before 20 and continue compensating neighbor countries as ODA afterwards.

As a result, Japanese learned capitalism economy and became rich. A debt of the stupid war of 110 several years caused the war of the previous generation, and the debt saved the people of the existing generation.

Germany and Russia do direct discussion for a dispute in Ukraine. Germany pulls EU economy. Russia is still a military power, but continues groping for capitalism economy.

German prime minister Angela Dorothea Merkel from Poland grew up until Berlin Wall collapse in former East Germany. Russian President ВладимирВладимировичПутин from Russia came across Berlin Wall collapse in a staff of KGB.

And all two of them entered the politics afterwards.

They were brought up in a socialist state, but they experienced German unification and perestroika and led them.

A human desire is capitalism. And it is socialism to regulate it and is a law.

Two representatives who experienced extreme society may think about a dispute in Ukraine like own thing.

The human being fought between human beings from old days. And the negative inheritances and debts are in all countries.

However, the capitalism countries climbing over them pushed their way up to the large country, and nations became rich.

A Japanese proverb. Money makes a round of the world.

A piece of bread is superior to strong ideologies sometime soon.

The world may become one by the economic order that wise men brought about sometime.

Let's expect it in the economic power of two representatives!


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プリンス オブ オレンジ カルチャー スクールです。悩んだり、怒ったり、一人でイライラしたり、あとで考えると、どうでもいいような事で焦っていたり、ふと気が付くと、胸にポッカリ穴が開いたような空しさに泣けてきたりしますよね。何で生きているんだろう?私は誰なんだろう?短い人生ですよね。両腕を少し広げたくらいの一生で、もうどの位生きたのでしょう。今まで私は何をやってきたんだろう!皆答えを探しながら忙しく生きてきました。答えを出すと、また新しい問題が生じます。限りが無いのです。律儀に考えすぎず、少し立ち止まってご自分の時間を限りなくスローにしてみてはいかがですか?