



 in the future? 

It is fine this morning. Weak wind sometimes flow. It is a relatively hot day.

The rainy season is a break today. The sunlight is heat to hark back to midsummer, but the wind are still cool.

It is a quite comfortable day!

Yesterday, the ruling party decided right to collective self-defense acceptance in a cabinet meeting by the interpretation change of the peace constitution in Japan.

In other words it means that Japan can supply the armaments to an own country and the other countries of close relations. It is that Japan makes war.

At the time of last visit to Japan, American President Obama said to Japanese Prime Minister Abe.

Senkaku Islands are territories of Japan. While Japan controls it effectively. If China controls it effectively, it is to be a territory of China.

It is 69 after the Pacific War.

 It followed that Japan couldn't but decide losing parents or the independence from the American colonization basement by a word of the American President.

The U.S. Government praises it, but China and Korea feel a menace in the Japanese armaments.


The Japanese armaments are the tenth place of the world now,

but ability for northeast battle in Asia seems to be the first place of the world in the sea power.

Japan gradually improved the military affairs budget under the peace constitution so far.

After this bill passed the Diet, the military budget may be included one by one.

After the Pacific War, Japanese learned democracy by the U.S. Government. And Japan accomplishes economic growth of the wonder in American affiliation.

Japan will apply the abundant financial power and high technology to the armaments steadily.

Under U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, American advanced weapons will be imported steadily to Japan.

What happens?

There seems to be a member of Japanese Self-Defense Forces 250,000 budget capacity, but the budget capacity will increase steadily if social position and the salary are improved.

Standard Japanese people are the nations who have awe towards the soldier = SAMURAI with the weapon. Japanese thinking that they want to become God who are at the time of World War II may appear again.

Can Japanese Government and the nation control right wing powers and armed factions inside and outside Japan in the future?

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade




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